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Англо-русский химический словарь - nucleus


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Перевод с английского языка nucleus на русский


• зародыш кристалла

• зародыш кристаллизации

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) ядро; ячейка; зародыш (кристалла, возникновения трещины от усталости); очаг2) городской центр, центр города ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  of a story суть рассказа NUCLEUS lat. noun; pl. -lei  1) ядро; центр; - nucleus of a story  2) ядро атома, атомное ядро  3) bot. косточка (плода); ядро (ореха)  4) biol. ядро (клетки)  5) biol. зародыш  6) нервный центр (в головном мозгу) Syn: see kernel ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) ядро (клетки) 2) косточка (плода); ядро (ореха) 3) ядро (центральной нервной системы) – nucleus of Ramon-y-Cajal – accessory nucleus – ambiguous nucleus – Bechterev's nucleus – bony nucleus – Burdach's nucleus – cartwheel nucleus – caudate nucleus – cell nucleus – Clarke's nucleus – cleavage nucleus – complementary nucleus – Darkshevich's nucleus – daughter nucleus – Deiters' nucleus – Edinger's nucleus – energic nucleus – fusion nucleus – generative nucleus – germ nucleus – Goll's nucleus – interphase nucleus – isochromocentric nucleus – kinetic nucleus – metabolic nucleus – oligosomal nucleus – ossific nucleus – paraventricular nucleus – polar nucleus – population nucleus – primary nucleus – red nucleus – resting nucleus – restitution nucleus – Schwalbe's nucleus – secondary nucleus – segmentation nucleus – sperm nucleus – spermatogenous nucleus – tube nucleus – vegetative nucleus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) зародыш 2) нуклеус 3) центр 4) цикл 5) ядро 6) ядровый 7) ячейка nucleus initialization program — программа инициализации ядра - bare nucleus - cometary nucleus - compound nucleus - constitution of nucleus - daughter nucleus - development nucleus - even-charge nucleus - even-even nucleus - even-mass nucleus - even-odd nucleus - exponential nucleus - fissionable nucleus - galactic nucleus - germ nucleus - infinitesimal nucleus - isobaric nucleus - isomeric nucleus - mirror nucleus - mother nucleus - neutron-deficient nucleus - neutron-rich nucleus - nucleus decays - nucleus of center - nucleus of comet - nucleus of crystal - nucleus of homomorphism - odd-even nucleus - odd-mass nucleus - odd-odd nucleus - ordered nucleus - parent nucleus - polarize nucleus - primary nucleus - recoil nucleus - shield nucleus - spin-zero nucleus - symmetrical nucleus ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) ядро; зародыш 2) кольцо; цикл 3) (атомное) ядро 4) вчт. ядро (операционной системы) 5) центр кристаллизации - nucleus of crystallization - nucleus of flame - acyclic stem nucleus - alicyclic nucleus - asphaltene nucleus - atomic nucleus - beta-active nucleus - beta-unstable nucleus - bubble nucleus - cometary nucleus - comet nucleus - compound nucleus - critical nucleus - crystallizing nucleus - deuterium nucleus - dislocation nucleus - fracture nucleus - germ nucleus - heavy central nucleus - heavy nucleus - medium nucleus - operating system nucleus - parent nucleus - pit nucleus - product nucleus - real-time nucleus - target nucleus - two-dimensional nucleus ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. nuclei) 1 a the central part or thing round which others are collected. b the kernel of an aggregate or mass. 2 an initial part meant to receive additions. 3 Astron. the solid part of a comet's head. 4 Physics the positively charged central core of an atom that contains most of its mass. 5 Biol. a large dense organelle of eukaryotic cells, containing the genetic material. 6 a discrete mass of grey matter in the central nervous system. Etymology: L, = kernel, inner part, dimin. of nux nucis nut ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural nuclei; also ~es)  Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, kernel, from nuc-, nux nut — more at nut  Date: 1704  1.  a. the small bright body in the head of a comet  b. the small brighter and denser portion of a galaxy  2. a central point, group, or mass about which gathering, concentration, or accretion takes place: as  a. a cellular organelle of eukaryotes that is essential to cell functions (as reproduction and protein synthesis), is composed of nucleoplasm and a nucleoprotein-rich network from which chromosomes and nucleoli arise, and is enclosed in a definite membrane — see cell illustration  b. a mass of gray matter or group of cell bodies of neurons in the central nervous system  c. a characteristic and stable complex of atoms or groups in a molecule; especially ring the naphthalene ~  d. the positively charged central portion of an atom that comprises nearly all of the atomic mass and that consists of protons and usually neutrons  3. the peak of sonority in the utterance of a syllable  4. a basic or essential part ; core players who are the ~ of the team ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (nuclei) 1. The nucleus of an atom or cell is the central part of it. Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. The nucleus of a group of people or things is the small number of members which form the most important part of the group. The Civic Movement could be the nucleus of a centrist party of the future. = core N-COUNT: usu the N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural nuclei, 1 the central part of an atom, made up of neutrons, protons, and other elementary particles 2 the central part of almost all the cells of living things 3 a small, important group at the centre of a larger group or organization  (the nucleus of an effective team) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1708, from L. nucleus "kernel," from nucula "little nut," dim. of nux (gen. nucis) "nut," from PIE *knu(k) "lump." At first in Eng. "head of a comet;" use in reference to cells first recorded 1831. Modern atomic meaning is 1912, first by Ernest Rutherford, though theoretical use for "central point of an atom" is from 1844. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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